9 08, 2021

Maintenance Tips


The Best Maintenance Guide for Your Epoxy Flooring System Your friends and co-workers are all recommending that you upgrade your floor with a professional epoxy overlay. They all say the same thing: epoxies are incredibly durable and they require minimal maintenance. This is true – epoxy flooring is the most

Maintenance Tips2021-12-28T22:48:38+00:00
9 08, 2021

Commercial Concrete or Epoxy Flooring


Which One Is Better: Commercial Concrete or Epoxy Flooring? Are you a business owner or manage a small company? If so, then you understand the importance of improving everyone’s experience as soon as they walk through the entrance. Renovating your current flooring system should be one of your top priorities

Commercial Concrete or Epoxy Flooring2021-12-28T22:46:55+00:00